Others Escorts 30 August 2018
We all meet lots of people all of the time, not just socially but in the supermarket or on the golf course. I bet that you would be surprised to find out that some of these “normal people” are in fact or have been sex workers. They have normal lives and do not have a large arrow pomiting at them as they go down the street saying prostitute escort or stripper.
Its just a normal job, you go to work have good days and bad days good clients and bad clients. Then you finish work go shopping and talk about the weather. A girl that chooses to
escort Madrid visitors and residents as a professional sex worker is really no different to a girl working in a restaurant or an office. She just earns more for her services.
Just like an other professional you would expect to make an appointment and as important you would let them know who you are and what you are looking for. To make sure services match. The example I give is going to an ordinary dentist when you need implants. It wise to check services 1st so no one is disappointed. One slight difference is that a sex worker will probably want to check you out a bit more than another type of client but that’s understandable before giving out location information or turning up to meet someone “blind”.
Sex workers keep books and pay taxes, ok not all but the good ones who view sex work as a long term profession will do. They pay into the system as they too need libraries, schools and health care. Don’t worry its all very discrete with no actual names being used. The tax man does not want to know. Especially as they or their bosses might turn up someones tax return or accounts at some point, so it is in their interests to keep it discreet.
Many `professional escorts who pay their taxes do so because they also need child care. Well, they are – in the main – young women. They are healthy and they have the same appetites, ants and needs as every other young woman. They also have a lot more sex!